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Proficient Reading: 39%


Distinguished Reading: 23%


Proficient Math: 43%


Distinguished Math: 16%



Proficient Reading: 27%


Distinguished Reading: 16%


Proficient Math: 31%


Distinguished Math: 10%



Proficient Reading: 40%


Distinguished Reading: 11%


Proficient Math: 29%


Distinguished Math: 9%


Student Resources

Apex Learning On-line curriculum used for credit recovery. Obtain a password from counselor
Hippocampus Find a textbook or a topic and watch interactive videos to help learn content
ILP Log In Each student must complete their Individual Learning Plan before leaving hig school.  They begin to create it in middle school
Kentucky Virtual Library Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, the Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL) is dedicated to supplying all Kentuckians with a comprehensive and dynamic collection of information resources
Keyboarding Skills Several sites that can be used to help improve basic keyboarding skills.
KHEAA Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority - Site for College planning
Khan Academy Students can make use of an extensive video library, practice exercises, and assessments
Math Playground Math site for Elementary and Middle school students to sharpen their math skills.
 Elementary Resources  Activities to learn computer skills.